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The fly is the key

Here's a nice video from Guideline on how to build your salmon box.Generally I believe in that doing the right thing with the wrong fly will be more effective than the wrong thing with the right fly, but in many ways when salmon fishing the 2 are intertwined

Foam wing stone

Step by step instructions for a nice stonefly pattern.  With a foam back and wing you can be sure it's floating even in rough water.  Tie them in different sizes and colours to suit the hatches in your area.  It's also a decent hopper/terrestrial  pattern in a pinch. Materials from Materials Used Hook :Tiemco 200R or equivalent Thread: 6/0 Body: SLF Back/Thorax cover: 2mm foam Wing: 1mm Packing foam Legs: centipede legs

Em Opener

I always enjoy Mikael Frodin's videos, here's a short clip of his of opening day on Sweden's river Em

Super Hair Jiggy

Step by step instructions to tie a super hair version of Bob Popovic's Jiggy fly.  This pattern is a great choice for surf areas and rocks especially for striped bass, seabass along with a range of others.  with a more forward weighting than a clouser the cone gives a slightly different action to the classic clouser minnow as well as being  more snag resistant. twitter/insta @flickinfeathers Materials Used Hook: long shank salt water  streamer Thread: Clear monofilament Head: Cone head to suit (optional lead wire inside cone) Body: Super hair or ultra hair Flash: flashabou or other flash

floor brush

step by step instructions for a simple attractor fly for carp. Bright flies can be very effective for carp, especially in winter, and are a good option for fish that are refusing more somber imitations.  Follow me on twitter or instagram @flickinfeathers for more content. Materials Used Hook: Owner C5 carp hook 6-2 Thread: Veevus 10/0 Weight: bead chain or dumbbells tail/body: microfiber mop bristle Hackle: Senyo's shaggy dub


Step by step instructions for Bob Popovic's Ultra Shrimp.  This is a great shrimp imitation that has been copied by many. It works around the world for a range of species  from bonefish to stripers and a whole range of others. twitter @flickinfeathers Materials Used Hook: Standard shank saltwater Thread: Fine monofilament Legs , mouth parts and rostrum: ultra hair/superhair Flash: flashabou or crystal flash Eyes: Burnt 20lb monofilament Hackle: Cock saddle hackle


Step by step instructions for a super easy, but very effective midge pattern.  Although it doesn't look like much, this simple buzzer will generally out fish more elaborate and gaudy imitations. Materials Used Hook: Kamazan B100/Tiemco 2487 size 12-22 Thread: 6/0 for larger sizes, 8/0 for smaller sizes Thorax: peacock herl